Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Alley Cats

Today's story for the 'EAN year in review' is called:
'Alley Cats'
This summer networker Denise was visiting Erie for the day, and noticed two black and white kitties in the alley on 13th & Ash. She asked around about them, and learned that they were dumped there and had been around for several weeks. Denise couldn't stop thinking of them, so when she returned home, she sent us a message. I, (Jes...s) decided to stop by the next day to check it out. I went back into the alleyway behind the houses. I saw nothing but trash cans and an old sofa. I called out to see, and suddenly there were two little faces peeking out from under the sofa cushions. They were very friendly, but thin. I got them into the carrier and took them home. This photo was taken after I got them home, fed them, cleaned them up, and applied flea meds. As you can see, they took to the pampered life pretty quickly. Networker Kimarie offered to foster them, and did so for a few weeks. She did an amazing job with them and they became healthy again in her loving care. Through sharing their photo, networkers Karen and Don decided to meet them, and ended up adopting them. These two beautiful boys went from living in an alley with just each other for company, to a beautiful and loving forever home with Karen and Don. Their new names are 'Dilbert and Gilbert' and they are enjoying the good life now. Thank you to everyone who helped make their ending a happy one- Denise for not looking the other way, Kimarie for taking such good care of them, and to Karen and Don for opening up their home and hearts to them. You all made a difference to these two kitties who needed you!

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